In Rainbow's Orchestra, Sarah tells the poignant story of a lizard named Rainbow who dreams of singing with an orchestra. Rainbow has a beautiful voice and he is happiest when he is using it to make music. But lizards are not supposed to sing. They are supposed to be quiet. If Rainbow sings, the other lizards might reject him. And so Rainbow is faced with a dilemma - blend in with the other lizards or follow his dream. Ginny Chenet's exquisite multi-media illustrations bring Rainbow's dilemma to life in a stunning way; and Sarah's message to follow your heart will inspire children of all ages.
"Great, marvelous, wonderful, fabulous, marvelous, inspirational, momentous, just right, perfect, creative, special, thoughtful, provocative, cool, child-friendly."
"(The meaning of the story is) you should be you and do what you want to do."
Fourth grader
"I absolutely love it!"
Caretaker of Special Needs Child
"The story is great and I wish you the best luck with it."